Saturday, March 25, 2017

Version 4 Mid War
DAK vs. Desert Rats
First real game of Version 4 Mid War rules that we've been looking forward to!  Time to get the DAK vs. the Desert Rats on the table in a FREE FOR ALL game so we could concentrate on learning the rules.
The 8th Army have two formations.  First is a Grant company with a 3 tank HQ, a Grant Platoon, and a Crusader II platoon.  They attach one of the HQ Grants to the platoon.  The second formation is a Motor Company with HQ, a Motor Platoon, UC Carriers, 6pdr AT Guns, 3" Mortars, 17pdr AT Guns, 25pdr Field Guns, and a Honey Stuart OP
They go light on the right flank with Mortars, 6pdrs, and the OP, Crusaders in the middle as a Reserve force, and heavy on the left with 25pdrs, 17pdrs, UC carriers, Motor Rifle, and all of the Grants.  The British use SPEARHEAD to get their strike force forward into cover behind a scrub palm tree woods.  This force also makes the British initial advance in an attempt to flank the enemy right and take an objective.

The DAK force is also two formations with a MK III Company of HQ and two Platoons and an Africa Rifle Company supported by 5cm AT Guns, an 88, and Stuka air support.  They deploy fairly balanced with a MK III Platoon, 5cm guns, and a Rifle Platoon on their left flank objective, the 88 in the middle / right, and the rest of the MK III's and Rifles on their right.

The Turn 1 British advance on their left used the woods to screen the 88 but suffer two tank losses to the MK III's Blitz moving pulling up to shoot.  Air's definitely not as much of a threat to armor as it was before, but with some hot rolls can still do some damage.  The Stuka didn't do much all game except pin some infantry a time or two. 
The Africa Platoon's 8cm mortar kills one of the British 17 pdrs!  The DAK MK III commander made his stormtrooper roll to duck but the platoon, however, failed theirs and remained in long range concealed positions.  Ut oh.

Turn 2 the 25pds fire smoke  to screen the 88 and the Grants tactical move forward.  Hot shooting by the remaining 17pdrs and the advancing Grants completes the destruction of the DAK's right flank MK III Platoon.  The Brit Motor Company stays in the woods waiting for an opportunity to advance to assault.

The Grants finish off the MK III Commander and the 25 pdrs range in and destroy the 88.  UC's keep the infantry's head down with MG fire until the Grants get in position to begin pounding the remaining German infantry with the 25 pdrs ranging in on them as well.

The remaining Mk III Platoon begins moving to their right, so the Crusaders are released from Reserve to intercept and interdict the enemy's movement.  Tally Ho!

The MK III Platoon gets split by a stream bed, the Crusaders wade in, and whiff!  Thankfully the enemy return fire also whiffs next turn.

The DAK MK III's kill one more HQ Grant with their tactical move shooting, and the German forces decide to retreat leaving the field to Monty's troops.  Huzzah!

As far as we could tell, we played it pretty straight by the new rules and had a lot of fun.  We did forget to have the Stuka roll for a 4 each turn to enter the table, but it didn't do much damage anyway so no big deal.
I think everyone enjoyed the new rules!  It's Flames of War, it's fast, it's simple, and it's fun.  I'm looking forward to seeing how it works out at tournaments soon!


  1. Nice write up of a cool game! I'll be getting me some V4 MW tomorrow!

  2. Thanks bud.. we think V4's going to be just fine for tourneys. Enjoy your game, and we hope to see you at Nashcon and/or Historicon later this year!

  3. Great game! Enjoyed the new rules and look forward to the Revenge of the Desert Fox!
